


bet36365体育's engineering foundations program prepares students in math, physics, chemistry and engineering so they can transfer after their sophomore year. Since our program is broadly designed to meet the College of Engineering requirements at UNL, students should expect to attend UNL or another ABET accredited university to complete the course of their academic career.

Choose from two routes to begin your engineering education at bet36365体育:



Here, we duplicate the first two years of larger, full-degree engineering programs. Once you have completed your first two years at bet36365体育, we will work to ensure your transition to an institution with the final two years of your engineering program is as seamless as possible. This program is loosely structured so students who spend two years in the engineering foundations program at bet36365体育 and two years in the College of Engineering at UNL will be eligible to attain one Bachelor's degree in Engineering from UNL.

Because requirements for specific engineering programs at other universities may vary, students should consult with their advisor before registration.



The 3+2 Dual Degree program provides the exciting opportunity to supplement your engineering degree with a Bachelor of Science in 物理. This program is structured so students who spend three years in the dual-degree program at bet36365体育 and two years in the College of Engineering at UNL will be eligible to attain a Bachelor's degree in 物理 from bet36365体育, AND a Bachelor's degree in Engineering from UNL. Because requirements for specific engineering programs may vary, students should always consult with their advisors before registration.


农业工程师 use science and math to meet challenges in agriculture – helping farms grow better 和更多的 food, 保持水土, 设计工具和设备. 如果你热爱户外运动, biology, 数学和机械, you can combine these interests to help meet the world’s needs in food, 水能源, 清洁的自然资源.

At bet36365体育 you will focus on the basics of the first two years of your engineering education. At UNL, you will choose your focus on machine design, 水土资源, 或者传感器和控制器.


  • 机测试
  • 咨询
  • 环境修复
  • 产品管理
  • 设备设计
  • 自然资源管理
  • 研究
  • 灌溉


  • 伊顿公司
  • 约翰迪尔公司
  • 美国农业部自然资源保护局
  • 康尼格拉食品公司
  • 通用磨坊
  • 斗篷公司
  • 嘉吉公司合并
  • 凯斯-纽荷兰公司
  • 山猫公司
  • Polaris


土木工程师 design, build, 监督, operate, and maintain construction projects and systems in the public and private sector, 包括公路, 建筑, 机场, tunnels, dams, bridges, and systems for water supply and sewage treatment. 作为一名土木工程师, you’ll design and maintain structures like roads, bridges, dams, 建筑, 水系统, 和更多的. You’ll help protect and enhance our quality of life while sustaining our natural resources.

At bet36365体育 you will focus on the basics of the first two years of your engineering education. At UNL, you can specialize in areas of environmental, 岩土工程, 结构, 运输, 或者水资源. A specialization in civil engineering is offered on the Lincoln and the Omaha campuses.


  • 咨询设计公司
  • General and specialty construction companies
  • Industries that explore for natural resources that produce energy
  • Municipal, county, state and federal government agencies


  • 伯灵顿北圣达菲铁路公司
  • 奥尔森的同事
  • 彼得Kiewit & Sons
  • U.S. 陆军工兵兵团
  • 灯,Rynearson & 的同事
  • 联合太平洋铁路公司
  • Nestle
  • 联邦公路管理局

电气工程师 develop and oversee electrical systems and equipment. They work with everything from power grids to computers, and telephones to cars. 作为一名电气工程师, you’ll be leading cutting-edge technologies and gaining high-demand skills in a wide choice of career areas, 不仅仅是工程, 但在法律上, 医学, 和业务. 电气工程师 command how electricity works, 如何利用它为我们的生活提供动力, 以及如何创造创新和想法.

At bet36365体育 you will focus on the basics of the first two years of your engineering education. A specialization in electrical engineering is offered through UNL on the Lincoln and the Omaha campuses.


  • 电气工程师
  • 项目工程师
  • 系统工程师
  • 仪器仪表设计
  • 控制系统专家


  • 波音公司
  • Garmin国际
  • 国家仪器
  • 圣微电子
  • Nebraska Public Power District – Cooper Nuclear Station
  • Intel
  • 微软(msft . o:行情).
  • 通用动力公司
  • Black & Veatch
  • Burns & 麦克唐奈
  • 德州仪器公司

机械工程师 develop, build, care for, and improve tools, machines, and systems. 如果你的好奇心延伸到发展, 设计, 以及检测设备或技术, 发电设备, or using nanotechnology to create high-performing materials and components, 考虑成为一名机械工程师. You’ll be in demand in many types of complex operations, 在研究, design, 生产, 销售与管理.

At bet36365体育 you will focus on the basics of the first two years of your engineering education before continuing your education at UNL.


  • 项目工程师
  • 系统工程师
  • 机电一体化工程师
  • 材料分析
  • 燃烧技术
  • 空气动力学研究
  • 新产品开发人员
  • 仪器仪表设计
  • 控制系统专家


  • 联合太平洋铁路公司
  • 奥马哈公共电力区(OPPD)
  • 凯洛格
  • Pella
  • 汉胜
  • Nasa
  • 福特汽车公司
  • Nestle

计算机工程 integrates electronic engineering with computer sciences. 电脑 engineers design and develop computer systems and other technological devices. Most computer engineering jobs require at least a bachelor's degree in computer engineering. Many employers also require state certification as a professional engineer. 学生 can focus on computer software engineering or computer hardware engineering.

Tasks involving computer engineers include writing software and firmware for embedded microcontrollers, 设计VLSI芯片, 模拟传感器设计, 设计混合信号电路板, 以及操作系统. 电脑 engineers are also suited for robotics research, which relies heavily on digital systems to control and monitor systems like motors, 通信和传感器.


  • 电信工程师
  • 项目工程师
  • 系统工程师
  • 机电一体化工程师
  • 新产品开发人员
  • 仪器仪表设计
  • 控制系统专家


  • 联合太平洋铁路公司
  • 汉胜
  • 微软
  • 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司