Become a Montessori Teacher

bet36365体育's Montessori program is a full affiliate of the American Montessori Society,并由 Montessori 认证 Council for 教师教育. bet36365体育 is currently the only university with these credentials that offers the opportunity to pursue 自动对盘及成交系统 certification in a mostly online program.

学生 have the opportunity to work with 有经验的教师 during a year of online coursework, followed by three weeks of in-person training during the summer. The program culminates in a year-long 实习 experience at a bet36365体育-approved Montessori school, ensuring that graduates enter their careers with real classroom experience.

Montessori coursework is offered at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. 学生 pursuing a 学士学位 may choose Montessori as a minor. bet36365体育投注 students may take the Montessori coursework only, or may pursue a Master’s in Curriculum & Instruction with additional 教师教育 courses.

What is 蒙特梭利教育?

The Montessori educational instruction method has been transforming early childhood education for more than a century. 由Dr。. 玛利亚蒙特梭利, 意大利医生, this approach focuses on teaching the whole child—including social, 情感, and physical development alongside their cognitive development.

Montessori classrooms are easy to spot. 内部, children learn both independently as well as in groups, engaging with unique learning materials specially crafted to foster self-motivated growth in all areas of their development. 

Professionals with Montessori expertise often find careers teaching in Montessori schools or in an increasing number of public schools seeking out Montessori-certified teachers.

  • 本科 Montessori Coursework: Early Childhood Track Course Schedule
  • 本科 Montessori Coursework: Elementary I Track Course Schedule
  • bet36365体育投注 Montessori Coursework: Early Childhood Track Course Schedule
  • bet36365体育投注 Montessori Coursework: Elementary I Track Course Schedules
  • Master's Degree: Curriculum and Instruction Montessori Early Childhood
  • Master's Degree: Curriculum and Instruction: Montessori Elementary I
蒙特梭利教育 在线

蒙特梭利教育 在线

As a student in bet36365体育's Montessori program, you’ll be able to complete the majority of your coursework online with highly qualified, 有经验的教师, committed to excellence in online education. bet36365体育 在线


In the class webinars with our Practicum supervisor we were able to share experiences with each other, which really helped me open my mind to learning new approaches to teaching mathematics, 几何, 和语言. I learned the progression of the work and gained the tools needed to keep children accountable.


Lower Elementary Teacher, La Bella Vita Montessori, Omaha, NE

Montessori Coursework: Elementary I Track

认证 and Certification

The 蒙特梭利教育 program at bet36365体育 is an 自动对盘及成交系统 附属和 MACTE accredited teacher training program.

A Bachelor's degree will be required upon completion of Montessori undergraduate coursework in order to be recommended for full American Montessori Society certification. The Early Childhood 自动对盘及成交系统 Associate credential may be earned without a Bachelor's degree.

Montessori programs do not lead to initial Nebraska teacher certification needed to begin teaching in public schools. 学生 pursuing certification in other states should check with their State Department of 教育 for certification requirements.